Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Good curation sites?

Curation is big....helps save time and provides big buckets of content to use when required...

Some sites I use for curating -

spundge - random collections

scoop.it - health, startup and code articles

diigo -  links and textual content

Please add the sites you use to curate  and specify what you use them for... 

Friday, 15 February 2013

Chromium Browser Automation(CBA)

CBA and most of the Automation browser identify the Ids of the Text box, button, Text area to process automation procedure.
Within Some of the Pages of software Same ids are given to multiple button example in LimsDx Management Page
because of which CBA identify first id within the page and plays the script but because of wrong button clicked the script is stopped

Is their a kind of technique where the script can be played with respect to Values of buttons ?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Notepad++ Plugins

Plugins are supported by NPP+ to allow one to extend the feature set...

Some useful ones used  by me are as follows:

JSON Viewer -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/nppjsonviewer/

Compare -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/npp-plugins/

XML Tools -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/npp-plugins/files/XML%20Tools/

Others can please update this post to add the plugins they have used and found useful...

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Some Nice Packages for Sublime Text 2

I have recently found a collection of nice Sublime Text 2 packages on Github.

There are several useful packages (plugins). To check, please go to : https://github.com/SublimeText

To install any plugins,

  1. Download the desired package
  2. Go to Preference -> Browse Packages in Sublime Text
  3. Put your downloaded package there
  4. Just restart the Sublime Text 2 to activate the package.

Monday, 11 February 2013

How to deploy our git code to server automatically?

How to deploy our git code to server automatically?

My current project has two separate installation on our US Server and updating project each time to both installation is quite time consuming. So I search for a tool which can help us automatically deploy our files.

I found a pretty nice utility named git-ftp which can basically upload your git tracked file and upload affected files to FTP server(s). You can checkout it's git repository at Github: https://github.com/resmo/git-ftp

How to Install? 

Installing and integrating with out Git is easy. If you want to set it up for your repositories, follow instructions as below:

Open you Git bash and write following command:

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/resmo/git-ftp git-ftp.git
$ cd git-ftp.git && chmod +x git-ftp
$ cp ~/git-ftp.git/git-ftp /bin/git-ftp
This will setup git-ftp on your machine. Now using it is a piece of cake.

How to Use?

To use it with your existing repositories, go to your Git repository. For example,
$ cd c:/wamp/www/DocControl
To upload code to our server, you can use :

$ git ftp push
You will need to use required parameter. Just like git, you will need to initialize the git ftp. So for the first time when you are pushing changes to your ftp server, run following command:

$ git ftp init -u <user> -p - ftp://host.example.com/public_html
For our US server, command will look like below :

$ git ftp init -u <user> -p - ftp://118.139.xxx.yyy/Directory
It will ask password for FTP server. After putting it, it will upload all git files to specified location of remote server and initialize the required things. After that only affected files from last push to ftp server will be uploaded, hence it won't use bandwidth unnecessarily. Next time, you will only have to run :

$ git ftp push -u <user> -p - ftp://118.139.xxx.yyy/Directory

There are many more options available like ignore files, scopes, etc. Check them at https://github.com/resmo/git-ftp/blob/develop/README.md

If you don't want to repeat this command everytime, you can simple put it inside a shell file and run it whenever you want.  You can also add a scope, which is similar to remote in git.

Be careful with config files if you are working with multiple installation. You should ignore those files which differs for each installation, just like in my case, they are database configs.